These laborious embroiders on perishable materials, investigate what it means to give love, time, and attention to what may soon expire. Works on leaves, flowers, food stuffs and utilitarian paper products, in their states of decay, allude to the fragility of our own bodies, the fleeting quality of human lives and specifically, those of our loved ones. Utilizing surfaces considered too weak to withstand needle and thread, I point to ideas of loss, patience, the importance of grief rituals, and the way in which embroidery can facilitate the mindfulness required to comprehend feelings and emotions.
Fragile Embroidery

Gift Shop Bags
Gift Shop Bags is an ongoing series of embroideries on brown paper bags from gift shops of towns I visit during various artist residencies. Often these shops display and sell souvenirs and items that attempt to convey the history of the area. I note that only some people’s histories are being told within these shops and spaces.